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Dec 5, 2023

Back in October at the 2023 NRPA Annual Conference, there was a session that really piqued our interest – so much so, that we wanted to turn it into a two-part podcast episode, with today’s episode being part one (and part two coming in Spring 2024!).

The session, “Neurodiversity and Inclusive Workplaces: Insights...

Nov 21, 2023

It is our next to last episode of 2023, and we’re so thrilled to chat with our guest today, as she is someone who we’ve been hoping to get on the podcast for a while, someone who is a true leader in the profession, and someone who a lot of our listeners may know.


Dr. Tiffany Johnson or Dr. J., as she’s

Nov 7, 2023

I’m really excited for today’s episode because I am joined by my colleagues and new co-hosts, Christina High, NRPA’s marketing specialist, and Cara Myers, NRPA’s marketing and engagement manager. I’m really looking forward to this new era of Open Space Radio, and as many of you know, it’s been a while since...

Oct 24, 2023

Earlier this month I joined nearly 9,000 other people who are passionate about parks and recreation in Dallas at the 2023 NRPA Annual Conference. It was a week full of inspiration, networking and fun — and for me, a chance to celebrate not only all the good work happening in local parks and recreation, but also see...

Oct 10, 2023

How to Protect What We Love (People and the Planet) — Episode 144


It’s another exciting day here on Open Space Radio because I get to introduce you to our other new co-host on the show! If you follow NRPA on social media, you likely already know Christina High. Christina is NRPA’s marketing coordinator and...